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Jaak Roth
Posted on Friday, October 04, 2002 - 9:17 pm:   

Is this the matter: 1) Rex's T20 set-up has an own rotor so I don't need the standard T20 rotor, 2) no battery is required? What's a good tacho with Rex's system?
Posted on Monday, October 07, 2002 - 10:32 am:   

With Rex's system you get a new and smaller rotor so no, you don't need the original Suzuki one.

It is a self generating system so no battery is required - the engine turns, it sparks! You don't need a high engine speed for it to spark either - you can start my bike by turning the back wheel by hand.

I use a Scitsu tacho - you just wrap the wire from the tacho around one of the plug leads. No actual connection is needed. These work really well with any ignition system.

If you want any more info just ask. Also, check out Rex's website.

Hope this helps
Mark Booth
Posted on Thursday, September 16, 2004 - 2:53 am:   

Ok. So once again I am turning to you guys for help. I am looking for an electronic ignition for the T-20. The Rex's system is not for street use and that is what I am looking for. I would like something that will work for the street but still be adjustable for advance per RPM adjustments. Thanks
Posted on Monday, September 20, 2004 - 2:56 pm:   

Look up Newtronic or Boyer Bransden in Google - that should get you somewhere...
Mark Booth
Posted on Monday, September 20, 2004 - 4:04 pm:   

I have and neither one has a unit for street use for the T-20. Any other help would be appreciated.

Posted on Monday, September 20, 2004 - 4:51 pm:   

Is the T250 the same?? If so, I might be able to assist.
Posted on Monday, September 20, 2004 - 7:21 pm:   

You can use the GT250 or T250 ignition systems on offer from BB or Newtronic - I'm sure that they make them for the GT/T models
Mark Booth
Posted on Sunday, September 26, 2004 - 5:51 am:   

I have learned to double check on everything since I did call BB and they said that they were not sure if the T250 system would fit. In fact their tech said it was his thought that it did not fit. So if there is some one out there that has used one of these systems on their T-20 please let me know. Does the BB or Newtronic system have adjustable timing for RPM?
Peter Morey
Posted on Monday, September 27, 2004 - 11:08 am:   

Some 10/15 years ago I was looking for an system for my T20 and at the time living in Blackburn (where Newtronic are based although they were called Piranha then)I visited them.If I remmber rightly they did sell a system at that time for the T250/Gt250 but it does not fit the T20 because the new rotor would not fit (they told me that with the T20 and t250 having the same generator everything else in the kit would be the same)I did take one of these rotors, essentially a normal looking rotor with a disc struck on the end with a slice cut into it which cuts through two sensors (replacing the old points)breaking a light beam on every rotation firing the ignition. I made enquires about getting one made and anyone that can use a lathe it's fairly easy to make one however I think at the time I did not go ahead because the T20 timing is different to the T250 which would mean I would have to work out the size of a new cutaway for the timing light to shine through. Also I think some else had the same idea and had brouhgt a system and had a problem with the backing plate being too thick (you have to reuse the t20 item that the points are mounted on) but they did resolve that by reducing the thickness somehow. I don't recall whether they got to eventually work or not.
As someone who used to race a production T20 using points and had to reset them after ever race (and they were genuine Suzuki ones not pattern) I can say electric ignition for the T20 would be definately worth the effort! I still visit Blackburn most weeks so if you need someone to visit Newtronic I can pop in for you if needed.
Posted on Monday, December 13, 2004 - 6:14 pm:   

Which Scitsu model is suitable for Rex's Ignition System and T20 race bike? Which scale, maybe 0-12,000?
Posted on Monday, December 13, 2004 - 9:10 pm:   

The Scitsu is the blue labelled type.

We use 0 to 12 as you say.

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