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Petermbooth (Petermbooth)
Username: Petermbooth

Registered: 9-2006
Posted on Sunday, September 24, 2006 - 1:33 am:   

I logged on here a year or so ago with a few basic questions which I got answered. My bike has been up and running and I've even won a contest on it. (A timed run event, not a race) and the bike has been running well.

I ran it hard a year ago for two days straight. 250 miles. Then I pulled the battery and put it away for the winter.

Two weeks ago I put the battery back in and fired it up. It ran reasonably well. Not great but good enough to run it for two days straight again. 250 miles.

At the end of the the second day this year the left pipe started POURING smoke out. (So bad that the guy I was passing later told me he had to put his face shield down because of the smoke!)

My assumption is crank seals.

My question is: How hard a job is this? Is there a set of instructions that I could look through for how to get at them and change them?

I'm guessing that if I did it all myself the cost would be minimal. Just new seals?

Any estimates on the cost to pay someone to do this? Or that billable hours I could expect for the job?

Thanks much.

I love this site; it's such a great resource.

Adrian Baker (Admin)
Username: Admin

Registered: 2-2002
Posted on Tuesday, September 26, 2006 - 7:56 pm:   

Hi Peter

Correct assumption - crank seals gone!

This is sadly not an easy job. You have to pull the engine apart (not a hard job actually) and take the crank out. It is possibly only the right hand outer seal that has gone (easy job) but is almost definitely an inner gearbox seal. To get to these you have to have the crank pulled apart, then fit the seals, then press the crank back together and get it all lined up nicely.

To add to the problems, you can't get new seals!!! Occasionally you see them on ebay, but you can pay a lot to just get 30 year old 'new' seals!

So, what to do.

The best solution is to make some seal holders and fit modern twin-lip seals into these. If you look at the crank on my 'T20 Racing' page you can see the sealholders and seals for the outer seal positions. (The inner seals have been replaced on this picture as it is a 4 bearing crank conversion).

My recommendation would be to contact Lea Gourlay and ask him for a price for the whole job. Take the engine out, give it to him and get it back assembled and ready to go. He has very reasonable rates and knows the T20 well.

Alternatively, phone SEP (details on my site) and get a crank rebuild quote from them.

To contact Lea, go to his website on:

Hope this helps
Nikola Masic (Nikola)
Username: Nikola

Registered: 9-2006
Posted on Thursday, September 28, 2006 - 8:02 pm:   

Paul Miller Motorcycle in USA has original (complete) seal sets in stock for $89 USD, or just the 4 crank seals for $49 USD. the seller goes on ebay by jrwdfa.
Nikola Masic (Nikola)
Username: Nikola

Registered: 9-2006
Posted on Thursday, September 28, 2006 - 8:23 pm:   

found their email:
Adrian Baker (Admin)
Username: Admin

Registered: 2-2002
Posted on Thursday, September 28, 2006 - 9:14 pm:   

Fair point Nikola, but last time I bought something from Paul Miller (cost over $100) he never sent me the goods or replied to my emails. I put in a comlaint with ebay and paypal and eventually Paypal refunded my money, as Paul Millar wouldn't speak to them either.

You have been warned!!!!
Nikola Masic (Nikola)
Username: Nikola

Registered: 9-2006
Posted on Friday, September 29, 2006 - 2:36 am:   

hmmm, i've bought many parts with them recently and it has always been top notch shipping and service. i've also called on the phone and ordered parts. the thing is that paul travels the country and buys suzuki stock so in the past he would just leave the shop and things would sit. now john is there while paul is away and he's the one i always deal with.

just my experience.
Petermbooth (Petermbooth)
Username: Petermbooth

Registered: 9-2006
Posted on Saturday, October 07, 2006 - 9:02 pm:   

Sooo.... Sounds like a pretty significant job. Probably beyond my less-than-mediocre skills. I went to Lea Gourlay's site to see what he wanted to do the job, but I see that he is 'across the pond' in England. I'm in the US. Do you know of anyone here who would do the job?

Adrian Baker (Admin)
Username: Admin

Registered: 2-2002
Posted on Monday, October 09, 2006 - 2:16 pm:   

I'd be keen to find out, and list on this website, a list of companies across the globe that will undertake work of this kind.
Anyone any recommendations??
Nikola Masic (Nikola)
Username: Nikola

Registered: 9-2006
Posted on Wednesday, October 11, 2006 - 7:06 am:   

the one guy i know of is rick merhr in cleveland,ohio, sort of a bizzare and crusty guy but very capable and highly reputable in the midwest. his specialty are tz and rd yamaha but twin crank is all the same. maybe this could also be your opportunity to replace your rods with yamaha ones (to take advantage of big end oil slots)... get in touch with rick via his webpage
Adrian Baker (Admin)
Username: Admin

Registered: 2-2002
Posted on Wednesday, October 11, 2006 - 7:39 pm:   

Thanks for that Nikola

I've contacted Rick and hes already got back to me. He does indeed seem to know his stuff and may well be a very useful contact for US based T20 guys.

I'll let you all know what he can offer when I have more details.

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