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The T20 Suzuki Noticeboard and Discussion Forum * Advice, help, chat, whatever! * Centre Crank Seals < Previous Next >

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Dave Evans
Posted on Monday, August 08, 2005 - 10:58 pm:   

Where can you get centre crank seals now ??
Crooks says they are no longer available, anyone have any or know of an alternative ?
Posted on Tuesday, August 09, 2005 - 8:53 am:   

You can't get them very easily. Occasionally a set of New Old Stock seals come up for sale on ebay though. Paul Millar probably has some - - mail him.

Most of us modify the cranks though to use different seals.
Dave Evans
Posted on Tuesday, August 09, 2005 - 11:58 am:   

Thanks Adrian, I have e-mailed Paul, now tell me of the crank conversion, I know its 4 bearing, but what bearings and seals do you use ??
Posted on Wednesday, August 10, 2005 - 5:11 pm:   

No easy answer to that one Dave - different people do the conversion in different ways. I've had a 4 bearing crank conversion done by two seperate people - Ian Ambler and Lea Gourlay - and they used different bearings and ideas.

The seal holders you make for the outer seals can have a range of internal diameters - you make one to fit the OD of whatever seal you are going to use.

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