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The T20 Suzuki Noticeboard and Discussion Forum * Advice, help, chat, whatever! * Oil consumption and V.I.N. question < Previous Next >

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Peter Booth
Posted on Friday, August 05, 2005 - 1:25 am:   

I've never owned a 2 stroke bike before. What can I expect in terms of oil consumption? How often does it need to be changed? How often should I be checking it? How often does it need to be 'topped off"? Etc etc.

Also, I'm trying to register my motorcycle here in the US and I'm required to give them the VIN (Vehicle Identification Number) which all vehicle have, but I can't find one anywhere on the bike. All I can find is a frame and engine number. Does anyone know if there IS a VIN number and if so where it is located?
Peter Booth
Vermont USA
Posted on Friday, August 05, 2005 - 7:53 am:   

I assume you mean the gearbox oil as the engine oil is fed by a pump system which you keep topping up.
The VIN is the frame number.
Peter Booth
Posted on Friday, August 05, 2005 - 8:45 am:   

Well, I meant both actually.

How often is the gearbox oil changed? Is it the same as with a four stroke?

How often does the engine oil need to be topped off? What''s the consumption rate?

And what types of oil are best for an X6?

Posted on Monday, August 08, 2005 - 8:17 am:   

For road use, any good quality two-stroke oil is fine. You just need 'normal' two-stroke motorcycle oil. Don't pay extra for synthetic or pre-mix as you don't need it. The consumption rate varies - it depends how much throttle you give it!

For the gearbox/clutch you need a good quality SAE10-40 engine oil. You can use a lower SAE oil, but if you go for a higher one, such as SAE20-50 you MAY find that the clutch drags a little on cold mornings. On my racer I use fully synthetic SAE 5-30 oil and that does a really good job - especially when you think about the hard life the clutch gets on a racetrack!! I'd use SAE10-40 on a road bike though. The gearbox oil level should never drop, unless you have a leak, but check it fairly often as if your crankshaft centre bearing oil-seals start to leak you burn up the gearbox oil at quite a rate. This is most noticeable if one side of the engine smokes far more than the other side.

Change g'box oil every 1000 miles or yearly - whichever is sooner. More often is fine, less often isn't!
Posted on Monday, February 27, 2006 - 9:04 pm:   

Adrian, you use fully synthetic gearbox oil. Some guys say that synthetic oil do harm oldtime oil seals. What do you think?

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