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Posted on Monday, May 09, 2005 - 4:37 pm:   

How are the 6 coils connected? When the engine is running all wires but breaker points disconnected, there only is 12 vols alternating current in the yellow/white wire measured against other wires. Should there not be the same voltage in others too? The wires are not broken or short circuited. There also is a mystery red wire with yellow stripe in addition with the green/white, red/blue and yellow/white which you can find in the wiring diaphgram.
Posted on Monday, May 09, 2005 - 9:35 pm:   

Hiya Jukka

I can't quite remember off hand what the system is like. However, you should certainly be getting out more than 12 V AC if the regulator is disconnected - more like 30 or 40V when you rev it if I remember correctly.
Also, did you try checking it with the ignition switch in the 'lights on' postion?
Posted on Tuesday, May 10, 2005 - 7:13 am:   

It is a common alteration with Suzukis, that coil wires on ignition switch are bypassed and connected together at the rectifier end, to ensure the recharge of the battery regardless of the position of the ignition key. I have tried it the both ways, but can`t get it working. I can ride the bike, but have to recharge the battery every other day. The 12ac volts are measured with idle revs. A circuit diaphgram of the alternator would be helpful. I guess it should work so that 2 or 4 coils are used when lights off and extra coils connected in parallel when lights on. I`m only guessing here, because it is impossible to see how the stator wiring goes. If the coils were separately wired, one could easily choose and meter different combinations.
Posted on Tuesday, May 10, 2005 - 3:18 pm:   

Rev it up - if it doesn't go past 12V, you have a problem. I have spare alternators if you need one.
Posted on Friday, May 13, 2005 - 10:44 am:   

I took the green/white wire from the alternator directly to the other one of rectifiers red/blue wires thus bypassing the ignition switch. The problem was not there, but the since law requires here in Finland that the headlights are always on when driving, it is just the same which way they are connected. Less to go wrong this way.
The problem, I think, Was actually that the insulations of the wires had disintegrated at stator end giving occasional short cicuits. I carefully removed the epoxy at the point where the wires go together, re-insulated the wires and added new epoxy to tie them motionless to avoid new short cicuits. It works for now anyway.
Posted on Friday, May 13, 2005 - 4:59 pm:   

Good news!!

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