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The T20 Suzuki Noticeboard and Discussion Forum * Advice, help, chat, whatever! * T250 ------> T20 Exhaust < Previous Next >

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Posted on Wednesday, March 02, 2005 - 5:48 pm:   

Hi, I need some advise

Will a T250 exhaust fit straight on to a T20 or are there modifications neccesary (changing the cylinders to T250 types maybe)

Please advise
Peter Morey
Posted on Thursday, March 03, 2005 - 1:33 pm:   

I think the exhausts should fit, years ago I brought a T20 which had blown it's oilseals so had had a T250 engine fitted and they used T20 exhausts so you won't have to change the cylinders (they are not interchangeable anyway), the frames are very similar,however the T250 exhuast is one piece while the T 20 is two piece so this may cause a problem when trying to attach the silencer end of the exhaust, you might have to make a short bracket if everything does not line up.
While I have well and truly got my anorak on I am sure I once saw I think in the back of a T20 parts book a picture of what I assume was a hybred model which was T20 rolling chasis with a T250 engine fitted anyone ever heard or seen one of these?

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