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The T20 Suzuki Noticeboard and Discussion Forum * Advice, help, chat, whatever! * T20 porting map < Previous Next >

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Roy Fosslie
Posted on Thursday, December 09, 2004 - 7:21 am:   

Hi all,
I’m searching for a T20 porting map and head modification. Hope to achieve around 45 to 50 HP. Have Swarbrick TR250 Exhaust. Any help is wanted.
Posted on Monday, December 13, 2004 - 10:32 am:   

Roy - I have porting maps but they are on my other PC, that is in a box packed up, as we have the builders in at present extending and rebuilding our house!

The Stan Stephens porting is excellent for an 'easy' ride with both some flexibility and the HP that you are looking for. I'll try to find the info elsewhere for you...

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