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The T20 Suzuki Noticeboard and Discussion Forum * Advice, help, chat, whatever! * T20 vs. TR250? < Previous Next >

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Posted on Saturday, October 23, 2004 - 12:07 pm:   

On the last Classic Racer there's for sale both T20 and TR250, the latter much more expensive. What's the difference between these race bikes?
Peter Morey
Posted on Tuesday, October 26, 2004 - 3:29 pm:   

The main diference is the barrels have larger fins so can run cooler so can be more highly tuned and so go faster. Linking in with another discussion item on this board on how much power can you get out of T20 engine it is possible to get 60 bhp plus but if you can not keep the engine cool then it will break down more often. The TR barrells are a means to get around this problem and a lot of the top bikes use these barrells hence the difference in price. They are a staight fit on to T20 crankcases and this was a common modification in the period and Suzuki imported a number of extra ones and some were brought in from Europe, in fact Fahron used to have a set of patterns for them but they lost them some years ago. Another set of patterns were made from a set of my barrells some 10 years ago but I don't think they were very good, I believe Martin Crooks now has them but I do not know if he is still able to get barrells cast for them. 10 years ago the pice was around £6/800!!!!
Peter Morey
Posted on Wednesday, October 27, 2004 - 4:42 pm:   

Having read through my last post I should have put in it that the TR250 is Suzuki's 'works' version of the T20 although in respect of the engine the main difference is the bigger fined barrels. As far as the cycle parts are concerned they were taken off a works 125 racer of the time which is why the extra tubing which goes from the rear of the tank to just above the swingarm pivot is curved as the 125 racer had rear facing exausts and the curved tubing was put in for a straighter exaust pipe. Most the bikes I have seen are replica's and with many of those that just means the bodywork and a paint job. The only reason really why any T20 based racer should be more expensive (if you intend to race it) be it 'TR250' or T20 based is that is has all the kit; barrels, straight cut primarys, high first gear/close ratio box, carbs, digital ignition etc. All of the above will cost you the best part of £3/4000 to buy brand new if you can get them!

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