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Posted on Friday, August 13, 2004 - 7:23 pm:   

Hello Adrian
When you rebore your cylinders where exactly do you take your measurement on the piston to get the proper clearance? How far up on the piston skirt? The reason I'm asking is I'v got three manuals and all three give different numbers.
Thanks Serge
Posted on Friday, August 13, 2004 - 9:04 pm:   

Hi Serge

The clearance should be measured between the widest part of the piston and the cylinder.

When having the bike rebored, you want a clearance of about 2.5 thou'. I go this low even on my race bike, although I do run in the pistons carefully (using my road-going T20!)

As CR125 pistons come in .025mm oversizes, it is almost impossible to bore out a worn bore by such a small amount. I have them honed out to fit new pistons, rather than rebored. It is a bit more expensive, but my local engineering company are brilliant and do a very good job.

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