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Posted on Monday, July 12, 2004 - 9:34 pm:   

I am having quite a time getting some good track tires over here.I had ordered a set of track tires from Avon[AM20 front AM22 rear track compound]however delivery time is a long ways away.You say you are using a Dunlop KR825[nobody's heard of it here] and to stay tuned for something new on the rear.Who are you getting your tires from?What are you using on rear?And what are you paying over there for them?
Thanks Serge
Posted on Tuesday, July 13, 2004 - 12:40 pm:   

I have an Avon on the rear and a Dunlop on the front. The Dunlop is a fantastic tyre, but quite bad in the wet - I've lost it twice!!
You can use a KR825 on the rear too although it is a little small for a big rider on a 250.

Go to for tyre sales online. This is a great racing supplies,UK company, now based in France. Highly recommended.

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