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The T20 Suzuki Noticeboard and Discussion Forum * Advice, help, chat, whatever! * T500 Gearbox shifting problem - help!!! < Previous Next >

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Richard Hazeldine
Posted on Sunday, July 11, 2004 - 10:57 pm:   

I bought my '75 T500M a while ago - almost immediately she was fouling plugs and being a real pain in the ass. After spotting a few things that didn't do my confidence much good about the bike I decided to strip the motor, renew the crank-seals and all the rest of it.

I've just re-assembled her. Compression is looking great and I had really high hopes... Until I filled her with oil. I've discovered that when the oil plug is in, (you know, the solid one without the plunger which engages in the gear selector shaft) I can't select gear easily. When I undo it a few turns all is fine. Also she's only sparking on one side but I'm not worried about that as I'll check the condensers, coils etc.

I really don't want to strip the motor again - I can't imagine doing so straight away to be honest!! Have you heard any similar stories? If so, I'd appreciate any reply to If anyone can help me, I owe a beer or something!

Desperate and upset - Richard
Posted on Monday, July 12, 2004 - 8:23 am:   

It's not an oil plug, it's a detent plunger for the selector drum.
Have you got them in the right hole??
One should have a flat end, one should be tapered. Ensure they're in the right holes and try again.
Richard Hazeldine
Posted on Monday, July 12, 2004 - 12:34 pm:   

Yes, I have them in the right holes - the one with the plunger just provides the positive gear lever action doesn't it. The solid one with the turned 'nose' on it sits in a groove in the selector drum doesn't it??

I have left the plunger one in and can shift fine through the gears but upon inserting the solid one that locates in the groove, the action becomes very stiff. The drum (one with the selector pawls on) has a lot of end-float which I imagine the plug is supposed to restrict?

Thanks for the reply
malcolm harrison
Posted on Tuesday, July 13, 2004 - 7:56 am:   

Try putting a washer under the plunger to stop it bottoming out, we had this on our T20
Richard Hazeldine
Posted on Thursday, July 15, 2004 - 3:03 pm:   

Thanks Malcolm - I'll give it a go. Need to sort this ignition problem out now! Grr - I bought this bike to ride, not tinker on!!

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