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The T20 Suzuki Noticeboard and Discussion Forum * Advice, help, chat, whatever! * Alternative pistons for T250 < Previous Next >

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Noel Twisse
Posted on Monday, May 24, 2004 - 1:49 pm:   

Does anyone know of alternative pistons for the T250? I have gone through the Pro X distributors shelves with a standard piston but cannot find anything to match.The CR125 has the right deck height and pin size but the induction side is too short. Any thoughts?
Adrian Baker
Posted on Monday, May 24, 2004 - 6:12 pm:   

What about the RG250 MK111 ones? The skirt still may be a bit small though.....

Do GT250 ones fit?
Neil Borthwick
Posted on Monday, May 24, 2004 - 8:27 pm:   

Haven't heard of alternatives, the brand new ones I'm sitting looking at while typing this are identical, i.e. no right and left hand, maybe the 125 of similar vintage would be the same. GT250 pistons might be compatible but I don't know for certain, the rings are different thickness. GT380 might well have a commonality as well.

Not a lot of help but at least something to think about.
malcolm harrison
Posted on Tuesday, May 25, 2004 - 7:56 am:   

Wiseco make one that fits nos 553ps Vic Eastwood is one of the main distributers
Posted on Tuesday, May 25, 2004 - 4:58 pm:   

GT380 sounds good... they are very similar.
Posted on Monday, August 02, 2004 - 1:53 am:   

have you tried the RS125 honda race pistons as the guys i know use them for racing in their t20/t250's , while i'm here any one know of a gt500 btm half or full engine for sale,thanks Ian
Posted on Monday, August 02, 2004 - 8:02 am:   

I use single ringed Honda CR125 pistons on my racebike. An excellent piston, but maybe a bit noisy for a road bike.
I've not seen the RS125 pistons.... I'll go and check them out - thanks for the tip irjf.
J Nyyssönen
Posted on Tuesday, August 03, 2004 - 8:15 am:   

Hi !

One question concerning the pistons and reboring... How big piston has been used in T20?
If I've understood correctly old TS125 pistons are very T20 like except that std size of those is 56mm. I'm wondering can I use so big pistons in T20 cylinder, does the barrel stand up without breaking? Maybe these pistons could be used in T250 also?
Btw, what is this T250 model with 14mm piston pin? I think I've seen those bikes usually with 16mm piston pin? Or do I remember this thing wrong?
Posted on Tuesday, August 03, 2004 - 9:22 am:   

Hi there

I have a set of T20 barrels running 56mm pistons. I'm not sure what they are, but the height of the piston is greater than for the t20 (from pin to the crown) and if you try to use these barrels, the pistons hit the cylinder heads!!

However, after experimenting with two head gaskets and opening up the gaskets to 56mm too, these pistons have now done 500 miles or so with no problems.
So yes, you can bore it out to 56mm.

I don't know T250 stuff too well so can't answer that question - sorry.

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