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The T20 Suzuki Noticeboard and Discussion Forum * Advice, help, chat, whatever! * CR125 racing piston for T20, boost port size. < Previous Next >

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Posted on Thursday, January 08, 2004 - 8:37 pm:   

I had the following Email:

Hello Adrian
I am looking for a photo or drawing of a Honda cr 125 piston used with a set of Fahron barrels that shows the hole cut in the back of the piston that lines up with the boost port.

Hope you can help

PS great site, It’s been a lot of help.

Yours, SC

I have replied to Stuart, but thought this info would be useful for many of you, so here it is:

The picture below shows one of my pistons as milled out by myself. I used a 3.5mm diameter cutter, but had to buy a long one, as you cut quite deep into the piston.

piston pic

The slot is 9.0mm wide and is approx 7.0mm from the top of the piston side. All dimensions given are within 0.2mm.
I give no guarantee that this is the best size, or that it will be safe for you to do. It is just showing you how mine are.
Hope this helps!

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