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The T20 Suzuki Noticeboard and Discussion Forum * Advice, help, chat, whatever! * Lengthened Suzuki T20 swing arm needed... help!! < Previous Next >

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Adrian Baker
Posted on Tuesday, May 06, 2003 - 9:01 pm:   

After an excellent Mallory park meeting (Two first places and a crash!) I am in urgent need of a strong, lengthened Suzuki T20 swing arm, such as the Tony Baker one.

My 'home lengthened' one has snapped once (at Anglesey), cracked once (at Pembrey), and is now twisted badly!!

I spoke to Tony Baker, the expert frame maker, today and he is so busy I'll be lucky to get one from him by christmas, although he says he'll do his best....

So, can anyone out there lend, or sell me a decent lengthened swing arm to see me through the season......

Anyone able to make one better than I did?

Anyone want some publicity on my website to show off their swing-arm building credentials?


Thanks for listening
Adrian Baker

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