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Mary B
Posted on Sunday, April 27, 2003 - 2:50 am:   

I just purchased a '66 T20 at an auction. I've never owned a bike in my life. It didn't have a battery so I hooked my car battery up to it. It seems to crank but won't start. Where should I start looking?.....And and even stupider these bikes require mixed gas? I don't see where you would put engine oil in.
Posted on Sunday, April 27, 2003 - 7:51 am:   

For a start, make sure you are using fresh gas, old stuff goes 'off'. You put the two-stroke oil in the oiltank just below the seat (gearbox oil goes in the metal capped hole towards the right rear of the engine. (There is a level screw to check the oil level - a small 10mm headed bolt on the righthand side, front ish of the engine. Remove this and see if oil flows out AND continues to flow. If not, top it up a little)

Won't start? Take out the plugs and check that they are sparking. Use the choke mechanism to get it going. If it is sparking but still won't start, check the plugs again - if they are dry, then no fuel is getting through... Time to strip the carbs!

Keep us posted
Mary B
Posted on Sunday, April 27, 2003 - 10:54 pm:   

Thanks for the advice....I found the main problem....It seems that a family of mice had made a home in the frame up under the fuel tank. I removed the tank and found that the spark plug wires were nibbled on quite a bit. The wire looked OK so I taped up where the insulation was chewed. I replaced the plugs...played with the choke and got her to start up. I found the gear box oil hole but not the oil tank hole yet....I'll go have a look later. There is quite a bit of blue smoke out the pipes. I also have a problem with the rear wheel. The washer which hooks onto the rear frame is broken. I will have to look for a part. I have also ordered a repair book on E-bay. Thanks for the help I will update you again later
Posted on Monday, April 28, 2003 - 5:26 pm:   

Mice eating the wires!!! Well thats different!
Posted on Monday, April 28, 2003 - 10:45 pm:   

It's a damn good excuse if ever you don't finish a race, Adrian..........
Mark Booth
Posted on Tuesday, April 29, 2003 - 12:06 am:   

I have to store my bikes for very long peiods of time because of my job and location. Sometimes as long as 10 months sometimes twice that if I have to work through the summer months. To stop the mice problem I hang moth balls held in stockings on the handle bars and on the rear turn signal then bag the bike. It helps to seal the pipes and use Sta-bul in the fuel. Never had a problem in the last 17 years.
Posted on Tuesday, April 29, 2003 - 11:04 am:   

Blimey - I never realised that mice were such a common problem!
You live and learn!
Posted on Tuesday, April 29, 2003 - 4:38 pm:   

I'd worry if I saw a Hippopotamouse on my bike...

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