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The T20 Suzuki Noticeboard and Discussion Forum * Advice, help, chat, whatever! * X7 jetting trouble < Previous Next >

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Posted on Tuesday, January 21, 2003 - 5:58 pm:   

i know this is an x6 site but i though that your such a good bunch a people with a great collective knowlege someone might be able to help (flattery will get you everywhere lol). Anyway i am restoring an x7 and am considering tuning it. I hope to get some pete gibson expansion chambers which are most alike to allspeeds and also i am wantin to use k and n cone air filters instead of the orignal box. I have heard several different theroys about jetting and so on can anyone enlighten me. Alot of people say that the k and n's will make the bike run to lean thus lead to problems like holing a piston etc is there anyway to get around this my self or will i end up an stan stephans shelling out a fortune for a pro to do the work
Posted on Tuesday, January 21, 2003 - 7:22 pm:   

No, do it by trial and error. You will need bigger main jets with K+N's and expansion pipes. You have to fit jets about 20% bigger, run it, do a plug chop (flat out, full throttle, whip in the clutch and hit the kill button). Check your plug colour and then change the jets for bigger or smaller ones depending on what you find. If it is pinking, DONT do a plug chop or you may hole a piston - go up another jet size first.
Hope this is helpful - please feel free to ask if you need more info.
Posted on Tuesday, January 21, 2003 - 8:15 pm:   

thanks adrian thats a great help. will i just have to change the main needle or will i have to change them all like the needle, main jet, slow running jet etc.

thanks for the help
Posted on Tuesday, January 21, 2003 - 11:14 pm:   

Generally just the main jet. If it is a bit weak mid-range you can always raise the needle by moving the circlip down a notch. That should be enough.
There are adjuster screws on the carb for low speed running and they may need a tweak or two. Its up to you to keep testing it and fiddling. There is no such thing as THE 'correct' setting, only the correct setting for your bike in the state that it is in!
Posted on Wednesday, January 22, 2003 - 12:06 pm:   

ok thanks for your help i will give it a go and see what happens. I will report in to let you know how i get on.


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